April 7, 2012

Honor - Live - Create

I admit it - I write out my life in fiction. I guess you could really say that I draft out a dramatized version of the experiences that leave an impression on me. It really is therapeutic to be able to look at a situation on paper and see what I could have done differently or what worked/went well.

However, a dramatized version of life gives you an altered sense of the reality. What this means is we forget what is fantasy and fiction; then, we lose our grasp on reality. As wonderful as a fantasized version of our lives may be, when we wake up to reality we can get a "culture shock"

I have yet to hear it stated better:
Honor the past. Live the present. Create the future.

However, I usually say:
The past may suck, but it is what you were given. The present may hurt, but it is all you have to work with. The future is what you have left and what you do today will make or break whether your future will be exactly like the past. Don't let it.

Today, remember, your future is what you make of the today you have been given. The past is the past so there is nothing you can do about it, so move past. Live your life with no regrets, and in the end, there will be nothing for you to regret.

Honoring the past, living the present, and creating a better future,


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